Thursday, March 30, 2006 

Code Jam!

The results for the second round of Google Code Jam India are out. Managed to scrape through into the top 250 from all those who competed. :-) However, I needed to be in the top 50 to move on to the onsite Championship Round stated to take place at either Google Bangalore or Hyderabad.

They have promised a Google Code Jam t-shirt as consolation. I should have it by the end of April according to their schedule. Waiting with fingers crossed. Will post when it arrives.

Sunday, March 05, 2006 

The second coming

After my brief foray into blogosphere seven long months back, which was unfortunately confined to a lonely post, I have decided to start all over again. A lot has changed since then and so has this space. This time I hope the sojourn will be much longer.

Having impulsively decided that the blog needed a complete face-lift, the last couple of days were almost exclusively devoted to frantic searching, previewing and tweaking templates. Thanks to that and this, I finally have something that is to my liking and different from the ready-made Blogger ones that we are oh-so accustomed to.

You'll notice that the last two posts contain nothing but paragraphs of unintelligible text. If you are wondering what that is all about, it was generated here and simply is dummy text that has seemingly been used by the typesetting industry since the 1500s. Most people would have taken it out after use, but I'm letting it stay. It somehow lends charm.

Since it rhymed with my name and for some other reasons, I was famously tagged "Debug" in high school. It might seem strange to some, but I loved that nick. Looking for a title, it struck a chord and sure enough, the search ended at 'Debug'ged - for life!. The choice of "whizlog" for the blog URL however has nothing to do with me. Rather, it simply stems from the fact that I have always named my computer and laptop as "whizbox" and "whizlap" repectively on the LAN. Suggested by Saneef, "whizlog" only seemed an obvious choice.

I have returned and I'm happy for that. But right now, I've a train I cant miss just five hours away and I need to catch some sound sleep before that.

And oh, I turned 21 today. :-)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006 

And some more again

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed eros. Aenean risus neque, auctor vel, auctor at, feugiat at, ligula. Etiam leo purus, vehicula vel, posuere ut, pharetra id, augue. Fusce gravida sagittis nunc. Integer porttitor urna sed mauris. Quisque libero. Donec eleifend condimentum elit. Nunc magna augue, pretium non, vehicula ut, eleifend eget, eros. Integer id pede. Quisque massa nisi, egestas sit amet, suscipit sed, mattis eget, lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Pellentesque sit amet lacus. Suspendisse ac velit. Donec sed nibh. Etiam convallis. Cras bibendum felis a orci.

Nulla lacinia varius enim. In leo erat, blandit in, pretium at, placerat in, eros. Phasellus at ligula sagittis nisi fermentum dapibus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque id turpis. Nulla facilisi. Sed quam tortor, iaculis ut, tincidunt vitae, commodo id, ante. Integer luctus, orci ac viverra mattis, justo libero egestas ante, et tempus dui ligula sit amet massa. Integer fringilla. Etiam nunc. In nisi. Nullam sodales, nunc ut mattis condimentum, risus enim pulvinar ipsum, commodo varius ligula dolor eu dolor. Vestibulum dignissim magna in dolor. Nulla tristique. Pellentesque sollicitudin pharetra dui. Fusce gravida tempus mi.

Maecenas condimentum facilisis justo. Cras nec eros id eros placerat tempor. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean pharetra, magna ut accumsan tincidunt, enim tortor tincidunt ligula, ut gravida sapien nunc non urna. Etiam pharetra rutrum dolor. Fusce odio. Fusce sollicitudin enim sit amet nunc. Nam lacinia, magna ac sagittis nonummy, lorem augue fringilla purus, et dignissim turpis dui id purus. Nullam pulvinar, ante ut scelerisque mattis, nibh leo cursus eros, ac ornare leo lorem et tortor. Morbi sit amet ante accumsan pede blandit pharetra. Aenean volutpat, ligula ut egestas sollicitudin, nisl leo tristique lacus, sit amet eleifend felis lacus quis sem. Sed tempus diam ac sapien. Phasellus ullamcorper scelerisque mi.

Vestibulum venenatis tortor et mauris. Nam tellus. Aliquam quis turpis. Maecenas sed turpis. Mauris vitae neque. Duis eu diam. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam hendrerit mi sit amet tortor. Integer id eros. In vestibulum suscipit enim.

Aliquam congue porta nunc. Maecenas dapibus luctus nunc. Maecenas auctor, libero et lobortis interdum, lectus quam facilisis sem, eu laoreet est nisl quis dolor. Sed mi. Ut et sapien nec ipsum tincidunt blandit. Vestibulum scelerisque facilisis lacus. Nunc molestie justo in felis. Proin lectus libero, rhoncus ac, volutpat sit amet, interdum at, metus. Nunc sed libero. Pellentesque nec risus eget risus tincidunt commodo. Morbi accumsan quam in justo. Cras eu est nec elit porta mollis. Ut erat dui, fringilla quis, semper a, congue ac, dui. Vestibulum commodo egestas mi. Maecenas ac erat. Sed sapien nibh, suscipit a, commodo vel, tincidunt sed, libero. Morbi pulvinar enim vitae ligula. Donec semper, massa in vestibulum luctus, massa quam porttitor dolor, a tristique urna sem ac mi.


Testing out some stuff

Nulla in sapien. Integer tempus. Nam quis tellus at mauris egestas laoreet. Mauris ante. Morbi quis elit eu libero posuere blandit. Nulla nulla. Morbi justo dolor, pulvinar id, dapibus id,
porttitor eu, leo. Proin dapibus, neque a feugiat porttitor, dolor arcu dignissim turpis, eget tempor leo leo sit amet purus. Nam dignissim, quam ut tincidunt ullamcorper, lorem urna faucibus risus, id feugiat velit enim nec urna. Ut vitae leo et magna tempus faucibus. Vivamus nisi lacus, pulvinar a, lacinia a, dignissim vitae, nulla. Vivamus pede lacus,
viverra id, fermentum vitae, eleifend quis, enim. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc venenatis. Phasellus nec tellus. Aenean sagittis, mi at egestas gravida, arcu est auctor tortor, vel suscipit enim massa id diam. Vestibulum rhoncus, nulla eu adipiscing facilisis, ligula purus malesuada eros, ac dapibus orci massa et risus.

About me

Name: Deepak Prakash

Location: Calicut / Cochin / Hyderabad / Bangalore, Kerala / Andhra Pradesh / Karnataka, India

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